Monday, December 8, 2014

Gracie's Hair Butter: December 2014 Newsletter

Winterizing Your Hair Regimen
6 Tips To Use
The winter months are the toughest on your hair.  Try these winter hair tips to keep your hair healthy, moisturized and manageable.

1. Keep eating healthy and taking your vitamins 
We receive proper nutrients for our hair through our food but it is also wise to cover all the bases by taking a multivitamin.  A multivitamin has Iron, Vitamin D, Zinc and B-Complex which are essential for healthy growing hair...Good in equals Good out.! 

2. Drink lots of water
Need I say more, lol!

3. Deep Conditioning Treatments 

It is a must that you deep condition your hair.  I recommend conditioning your hair every 2 weeks or every week for extremely dry, brittle or damaged hair.  To get the most out of your deep conditioning treatment, shampoo your hair first.  Curls react best to conditioners once hair is cleansed.  Apply your conditioner, cover hair with a plastic cap and sit under a hair dryer for 20-35 minutes, Rinse hair with water.  
*For those of you who use leave-in-conditioners, rinse hair with water only 80%, leaving 20% of the conditioner in your hair.  

4.Try Prepoo
Prepoo is usually a oil treatment before you shampoo or condition your hair. You can use what ever oils you like. The method is the same as deep conditioning, except your only using oil.

5. Use Butters
Remember water is the only true form of moisture.  Try Gracie's Hair Butter to seal the moisture in.  

6.Put A Satin Cap Under Your Hat
It is cold outside for sure but before you wear your hat, put your satin cap on first.  This will eliminate excess friction to your hair causing hair breakage.  Also, this will aid in retaining your hairs moisture and help protect your hair from the winter dry air.

For more tips, idea and natural hair styles, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


Shervonne Coney CEO / Founder
Gracie's Hair Butter