Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sweet Inspirations Boutique: Saturday Hair Wash Day DIY Routine

Hi Yall,
So its Saturday and it is my Wash Day.  I chose Saturday as my wash day simply because i like for my hair to be fresh and clean to start off the new week and for church on Sunday.  I love my store bought products such as: Shea Moisture Black Soap Balancing Conditioner, Anti-Breakage Masque and Deep Treatment Masque but I created a homemade deep moisturizing conditioner that is fantastic, leaves my hair soft, moisturized and can be used in more than one way.

I start my Hair Wash Day process off by washing/shampooing my hair with Dr. Bronner Peppermint Soap. This stuff is the truth!  It is a all natural, multi-use soap that can be used on your body, face, hair etc.  If you have ever tried Dr. Bronner Soap(which comes in several scents), you know that you can use it on any and everything.  Its just the bomb!  After I shampoo my hair 3 times, I apply my homemade deep moisturizing conditioner.
The ingredients to the conditioner is:
1 Cup of Shea Butter (preferable the organic or the white to pale in color shea butter)
1/8 Cup of Olive Oil
1/8 Cup of Castor Oil
1/8 Cup of Coconut Oil
1/8 Cup of Jojoba Oil
1/8 Cup of Honey
Add 1 Egg if you want to do a protein treatment.

I apply this mixture to my hair and put on my (2) shower caps.  The first shower cap is the regular clear, plastic shower cap.  The second shower cap is a gold, thermal heat shower cap that i found at the dollar store(it actually works).  I put the 2 caps on my head and sit under the hair dryer for 30-45 minutes.  If you are like me, you hate sitting under the hair dryer.  Lord willing, I will soon get one of those hair dryers that go on your head without all the extra heat flowing down my face.

After I come from under the hair dryer, I rinse my homemade deep moisturizing conditioner out of my hair with cool water.  Then I apply my own Gracie's Hair Butter to my scalp and the ends of my hair to seal in the moisture.  I have been washing my hair like this for several months now and it is The Best!  My hair is soft, manageable and i see very little breakage.  Unlike when I was on the creamy crack and my hair was flying off my head lol!  I hope this blog is a blessing to someone.  Please post your comment or questions below.

Thank Yall and Many Blessing To You!!!
Shervonne Sweet Inspirations Boutique